Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lazy update about dinner

No photojournalism for tonight's dinner, sorry. We found out about half-way through getting things set out that we needed to clean the fridge pretty urgently. Nothing like the smell of gooey, dead zucchini assaulting your nostrils while you reach for the tomatoes.

So tonight's dinner was a slap-dash of cooked vegetables over angel hair pasta.

Broccoli, zucchini (not the dead one, ew.), sugar snap peas, carrots, green onions, and mini tomatoes. We cooked the vegetables in  the wok, first in some olive oil, then I added some red wine vinegar for flavor. We seasoned it with an herb blend called "Pasta Sprinkle" by Penzey's Spices, I think it's basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme, and parsley.

When we added the zucchini I opted to add about a 1/4th cup of water so that we could kind of steam everything together and at the same time, not have to worry about setting it aside and burning.

Add a little grated parmesan cheese, and you've a nice sauce-less spaghetti dish. Or you could add a LOT of parmesan cheese while exclaiming, "BLIZZARD!" like my wife does. Though I have to admit, I've started doing it too.

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